Dear Friends,
We are soon to be greatly blessed and regardless of what you call it – ROI, fortune, luck or even divine blessings – it will change your life…much like winning the lottery. It’s not too late to prepare yourself. We must prepare for our blessings and intentionally begin thinking abundantly and for the long term. Here are a few videos I’ve watched to help with my planning, I hope you find them helpful, too.
Millionaire Life – not as easy as it sounds
15 Things to do if you get rich all of a sudden
The Exact Wrong Mindset of Lottery Winners
PURPOSE of WEALTH – This one is powerful if watched with an Abundance Mindset
Everyone please keep in mind there is FAR more to the Great Awakening than the GCR. WE are merely a fortunate group that will financially benefit, arguably the most, from what the future holds, WHEN it transpires. Everything is connected and things are undeniably happening. I encourage everyone to mentally prepare for the inevitable and imminent blessings while God is at work through His other soldiers in all the other battles outside the RV/GCR. We are the anchor leg in this relay race and the baton is nearly here and because of our financial blessings, we will be tasked with carrying humanity over the finish line.
I believe everyone reading this has it in their heart to use their blessings help themselves, friends, family, community and/or humanity, however for Zim bond holders, it’s inherent. I encourage everyone with Zim to present humanitarian projects in which you’d like to participate and manage just please be mindful of the responsibility that will accompany them. Also accept the possibility that your projects will not be accepted but recognize that for opportunity that it holds. You will still receive a life changing blessing and the ability to positively affect humanity! To this end, I am taking these steps in my planning:
1) Think long term – As I mentioned before, there are many more aspects to The Great Awakening than just the RV/GCR. Pick any conspiracy theory you’d like and there is a subset of the world population that will experience trauma upon it’s revelation. (I love going down all the rabbit holes but that’s for another time). This is one reason I believe this is a long term proposition, years if not decades.
2) Project Scalability – When thinking about my project(s), I think about each project’s scalability, just in case it doesn’t get approved and I don’t get the humanitarian funding I want to be able to fund it personally. I think how I could implement it on a smaller scale.
3) Plan B Projects – I have a few projects in mind that don’t easily scale so I came up with a few alternative projects that I could easily implement and fund with my personal blessings.
4) Think long term – Yes, I believe it’s that important. In my opinion, it’s going to take a long time to change humanity and WE will be the tip of the spear to affect that change. Fortune favors the prepared mind – start preparing your mind.
I am looking forward to getting the chance to meet many of you in person after the RV. WE have significant purpose and responsibility in the future of humanity…let’s make it last. I hope you’ll keep in touch.
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